Google released a slideshow on ways to improve your shopping cart experience and build up your e-commerce store. Here is an overview:
In the United States, bad online search experiences cost (someone) $300 billion per year.
"85% of global online consumers view a brand differently after experiencing search difficulties."
"64% of U.S. retail Website managers have no clear plan for improvement."
Takeaway #2: "9 in 10 U.S. consumers (90%) say a good search function is very important or absolutely essential, with 97% agreeing that their favorite retail websites are ones where they can quickly find what they are looking for. Additionally, the search function is the most commonly used feature on retail websites compared with the navigator menu, filter feature, or promotions on the homepage."
Takeaway #4: "69% of consumers say that a successful search experience often leads to the purchase of additional items, with almost all consumers (99%) saying that they are somewhat likely to return to a website if it has a good search function."
"98% of website managers are confident consumers are able to find what they need when visiting their website."
"1 in 10 consumers say they find exactly what they're searching for every time while using the search function."
"3 out of 4 consumers report that after an unsuccessful search, the sale is often lost to competition."
"52% of consumers abandon their entire cart and go elsewhere if they cannot find one item."
"77% of consumers avoid websites where they've experienced search difficulties."